I am a scholar-practitioner; education consultant, Life Balance Strategist and mindfulness meditation teacher.
My intention is to approach everything I do with embodied mindfulness, compassion, and joy framed in trauma-informed principles.
I’m a dedicated practitioner of contemplative practices. I have 30 years of diverse educational experience, ranging from secondary science teaching to university professorship and mentoring roles. I hold two doctorates, a master’s degree, and teacher certifications in mindfulness meditation. My expertise extends into anti-racism, and ethical sensitivity. And I am a person who stutters - sometimes.
I, like you, want to live authentically - to my fullest - out from under my own oppressive thoughts and society’s messages as backup singers.
Throughout this journey I’ve come to understand that I need to be the softest place for me to land. It is through compassion and kindness that I teased apart the thoughts that held me most captive. There was a lot to learn and a lot to release.
It is because of my journey that I commit to educating and supporting others. I listen, coach, inspire, cheer and motivate.
I founded The YOU in you Consulting Inc., to help individuals shift from conditioned behaviours and perspectives, and toward practices of inner-reflection, personal mastery, and interconnectedness.
As a consultant and meditation teacher, I guide individuals in immersive learning experiences, which enhances cognitive understanding. I foster perspective-taking, discernment, and valuing mistakes and discomfort as opportunities for growth and compassion.
As a Life Balance Strategist (in training), I aim to be both an advocate and ally, partnering with you to understand and navigate the natural and unexpected changes in your life. My role is to support you in identifying paths forward that feel empowered, intentional, and aligned with your well-being.
This mandala created by Takaaki Okada, is a visual of how each part of my work is interconnected. Working with Takaaki was a true form of emergent collaboration. I am forever grateful.
Educator. Strategist. Consultant.
My work has evolved into the following areas for individuals and organizations.
Life Balance Strategist
Why: We all need skillful ways to navigate the natural and unexpected changes in our lives, even changes we want can be difficult. Whether the focus is a current transition or a longer-term goal, my role is to support you in identifying paths forward that feel empowered, intentional, and aligned with your well-being.
How: My approach is uniquely tailored to each person. I incorporate various protocols, assessments, and mapping techniques and work closely with clients to explore their essential questions from various perspectives, helping them increase their sense of choice and agency.
Why: Embodied Mindfulness is a way of living and being. When cultivated it can transform our inner states, thoughts, and experiences at a fundamental level. It has proven benefits on your physical, mental, and emotional health. It has the power to transform your overall well-being.
How: Grounded in science and designed to help you build a consistent mindfulness practice and integrate embodied practices into your daily life. Each session is a different component of mindfulness with plenty of time to process, practice and to receive support between sessions.
Why: Unresolved trauma can leave us trapped in a cycle of activation and dysregulation and struggling to understand why. Our window of tolerance shrinks and we stay in reactivity mode with our reactions in overdrive.
How: Know how your mind-body system becomes activated and dysregulated. You’ll learn about your nervous system, interpersonal neurobiology, coregulation and the window of tolerance. This knowledge can expand your ability to regulate when stressed, show you how to co-regulate, and increase your self-awareness with compassion.
fortify with SELF-COMPASSION
Why: Embodied self-compassion is a powerful self-awareness practice that changes you from the inside out. We rarely, if ever, offer ourselves the kindness we so easily give to others. Yet, this powerful practice can be cultivated. It is the antidote to balance everyday stress and empowers us to make kinder choices.
How: Learn practical skills with embodied mindfulness meditations to open to, explore and feel self-compassion. You’ll learn why we can be challenged by self-compassion, which releases blame and invites more compassion for self and others.
Exploring Bias: Interrupt Conditioned Thinking
Why: Biases direct our thinking, beliefs and actions. When unexamined, biases can lead to persistent harm of self and others. Biases can erode our sense of belonging and safety. You’ll explore biases and uncover the smog created by not seeing our biases.
How: Art-based explorations, combined with embodied mindfulness practices and self-compassion are used to explore biases and support changing our understanding and perspectives. These explorations become a vehicle for deep reflection and a pathway to lasting changes.